Bust Your Bloat

Are you feeling bloated? Studies show that up to 30% of Americans experience bloating. It is not fun when you are bloated. There are many causes of bloating but a big culprit is, you guessed it…SUGAR!

Bloating is a build up of intestinal gas. This gas is formed by foods such as sugar and refined carbs (which is converted to sugar in our GI tract). The bad bacteria feeds off of this sugar creating an imbalance of your good and bad bacteria.

So whats the answer to get rid of this bloating? You need to increase your good bacteria and get rid of the bad bacteria. -Start focusing on building your plate with the key players: green vegetables, protein, and healthy fats. If you choose to add a carb choose one serving of a complex carb. -Check your labels of your favorite foods including protein bars, there should be no added sugars. -Take a probiotic. Probiotics (the good bacteria) can help support a healthy balance of gut bacteria. -Studies have also shown that Intermittent fasting can improve your gut health which in turn reduces bloating.

No one wants to be bloated. I hope these tips help you so you can feel your best.