Cortisol Conscious Workouts

I Am Well and Good has published their 2019 healthy-living trends for 2019, one of them being cortisol-conscious workouts. You may have seen the fitness trends starting to move from long intense cardio sessions to more strength training and yoga sessions. It’s all for good reason. When we exercise, cortisol, the stress hormone, is naturally produced. Our bodies go into a fight-or-flight mode, pausing regular bodily function and slowing your metabolism. With long, intense workouts the abundance of cortisol released has caused hormonal imbalances in both men and women. Cortisol is also associated with overeating, craving high caloric fatty and sugary foods, increased blood glucose levels, increased anxiety/depression, and relocating fat from the circulation and storage depots to the deep internal abdominal area.

So what’s the answer when it comes to working out? Shorter training sessions, about 30 minutes will start to become the norm in 2019. Strength training with short bursts of cardio will raise your heart rate during the activity and will continue to burn calories even when you stop. This is because our bodies require energy to build and repair our muscles and this energy recruitment is what burns calories.

Incorporating proper recovery is also key to your workout routine. Take a rest day and go for a walk, take a yoga class, or do a cryo therapy session. Your body will love you more!