Eggs…Should I Eat Them?

Eggs…they are a staple in our house.

When you go to the grocery store there are so many options. Brown, white, organic, cage free, pasteurized, etc. It can be overwhelming.

Purchasing good quality eggs is vital to your health.

So, which ones should you buy? You want to look for pastured or omega-3 enriched eggs. My favorite are @vitalfarms . The eggs from conventional farms can be damaging to your body.

Lastly, eat the yolk! It’s where you will find a lot of important nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin D, choline, and omega 3s.

There are many individuals who can’t tolerate eggs. The best thing to do is listen to your own body. If you notice you are experiencing any symptoms after eating them, try eliminating them for a couple of weeks to see how you feel and then reintroduce them slowly. If the symptoms come back then you know its a trigger food.